Posts tagged review

Male Extra – The Benefits and a Review – Does It Work?
0I ordered a bottle of Male Extra – figured I’d note the benefits here and do a short review.
What Is Male Extra?
It’s an all natural male libido booster (a male enhancement product), and since I’m now approaching 50 years old I figured that while I have used natural enhancers in the past (such as VigRX Plus – which works well, but is strong for me and my sensitive stomach) there are times that I am not always able to give my wife “the full experience” if you know what I mean.
My Personal Testimonial
I took a couple of these blue pills (are they blue to be similar to Viagra? – I don’t know) every day for a few days, and I have to say that I did notice a difference in my “desire” so to speak.
I found that my desire/libido seemed to be stronger and when my wife and I had the chance to “get romantic” and I seemed to have more staying power, and I was able to “get it up” faster, and stay that way for the duration – which I had not always been able to lately – thus the reason for trying another of these natural libido boosters.
I did some digging around and found this nice info graphic that shows the ingredients of Male Extra. Check it out.
Does Male Extra Work?
In my experience I can say that it definitely did what I was looking for it to do. A quicker response, more desire, as well as a more enjoyable experience. I can’t say the it helped me to “last longer in bed”, but I’ve never been one to last for a half an hour or more anyway.
Side Effects
I did not notice any sort of side effects. I have taken similar products in the past – maybe too many pills at a time – any I got a bit of a “sour stomach” for a while, but that’s about it.
More Male Extra Information
I found another infographic that I put below that if you click on will take you right to their information page and where you can place an order for it. They do provide a generous money back guarantee if you feel that it doesn’t do for you what you are looking for.
I recommend Male Extra as a good product, with good value and the company that sells them are a legitimate company to do business with.
When I ordered my product it came within 5 days, and I felt it was safe for me to ingest.
Male Extra Review Video
The guy below did a nice video – (it’s not me in the video), but he provides good information about the product. He says “the best results come with two months of use” – but I found it worked much faster than that in my case.
Click Here To Check Out Male Extra On Their Main Website and see if it’s right for you.
Of course if you have any sort of health problems, particularly heart or circulation problems (clotting, etc.) it’s always important to check with your doctor first before taking because some natural herbs will actually make your blood clot more – and you definitely don’t want that if you are prone to pulmonary embolisms, etc.
All the best.

Trinoxid Review – Truthful Male Enhancement?
9It’s hard for me to even try and explain just how bad this Trinoxid male enhancement product promotion is, but I will try – in as few words as possible.
Trinoxid Male Enhancement Review
I get a lot of these types of promotions in the mail, after all, I’m a guy in his mid 40’s and have tried various kinds of all natural male pills over the last few years so I’m on a lot of mailing lists I suppose.
Sometimes I find a product that actually works – most of the time what I find is that these male product promoters are only out to scam or fleece the unwitting. That’s why I write these reviews.
Check out all of the people who have been scammed in the “comments” section after each article Here and here. I could list ten more, but if you take a look you’ll get the idea.
Trinoxid Phone Number And Address
Before I get ahead of myself I want to list the address and phone number for these guys because it seems that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t get an email or a comment from someone looking for the pertinent information on a particular company because either they didn’t get their order, want to return the product because it doesn’t work, or the company keeps billing their credit card and they want them to stop – so here they are. Phone # = 800-818-7208 – Address: 2251 N. Rampart Blvd. Suite 707, Las Vegas, NV 89128
Trinoxid Claims
Below are just some of the ridiculous claims these guys make about their product.
- Desire – Do it 6 times a day! (is that even possible for 99% of the men in this world?)
- Unlock your pheremones. (really? with a pill – yeah right)
- 3 inches longer and 23.5% thicker in just 30 days. (now I really have heard it all)
- The only thing that really works. (lots of different products work for different guys)
Reading the testimonials that Trinoxid lists in their full color multi page p**rn promotional literature is like reading professionally written greeting cards. If these testimonials aren’t made up I’d be very surprised.
Dr. Susan Susman?
I always like to check out the “expert” that these scammy product promoters put forth as their witness to the great efficacy of their product.
Usually I don’t find anyone with that name and in this case these guys don’t disappoint – I could not find a Dr. Susan Susman sex therapist to the stars listed anywhere online even after a lengthy internet search.
Besides… in the promotional literature they put a picture of a guy dressed in doctor’s clothes next to “Dr. Susan’s” testimonial. Sheesh. Gimme a break already!
Does Trinoxid Work?
After looking over 32 full color pages of the most graphic male enhancement product promotion I have received in a long long time I can tell you in my personal opinion from years of doing these product reviews that I have no idea if Trinoxid will work for you.
What I can tell you is this.
- This company does not have a website as of this writing – March 2014. Who does business without a website anymore? Check out my review on HTL too. Same kind of thing.
- The company’s “experts” don’t exist as far as I can tell.
- They have a “Guarantee” listed – but if you look closely they don’t say you can return the product for a full refund if it doesn’t work for you. Most of the time these companies will tell you that they product has to be in the original packaging and give you all kinds of run around if you want to get your money back.
Is There A Product That Actually Works?
I have found a couple of products and companies that actually do what they say for the majority of guys – and if they don’t the guys don’t have any trouble getting their money back even after a couple of months or more.
The main product that I recommend is Vigrx Plus. (more expensive than most – but worth it)
You could also check out Zenerx by clicking the banner over there on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I put a banner down below that you can click on and check out Vigrx and see if you feel that this might be a good all natural male enhancement product for you.
Good Luck out there,
Penestra Male Libido Pills Review
16I’ve been meaning to do this Penestra male enhancement pills review for some time now – so here it is.
I received a full color “Mens Digest” magazine in the mail one day (it came in a plastic wrapper) and I set it aside thinking it was for some sort of new vitamin or something. Just another piece of junk mail I thought, (and it was).

Dave Cummings is the only one and only thing that I could find that was true regarding the claims made in the pages of that XXX rated brochure I received in the mail.
What Is Penestra?
It turns out this brochure was full of naked men and women. Many pictures of different people in different positions doing the hoochie coochie – if you know what I mean.
The “world’s oldest porn star” – a guy by the name of Dave Cummings is promoting Penestra as the latest greatest libido and low-t booster.
Is Anything In This Brochure True?
The only thing I could dig up that’s true on all of the outrageous claims being made in the brochure is that this guy Dave Cummings actually exists.
Dr. Renee Masch – Who’s That?
The doctor that they use in the promotion of this product does not exist. Period.
There is nothing on the entire internet that I could find on anyone with this name. Look him up for yourself. The only thing you’ll likely come up with is a link right back to the article you are reading right now, because as of now (January 2014) I am the only one mentioning him online.
Can You Believe It?
If the good doctor mentioned above doesn’t exist can you believe anything this company is telling you? In my experience you can’t.
Is Penestra A Scam?
It’s too soon to say (as of January 2014) that this is another male enhancement pill scam like many I have noted on this website. See Here, Here, and Here – (just be sure to read the comments at the end of the articles) – There’s another scam going on by a company that sells Rexbull, that one takes the cake, and you can read all of the comments at the end of my review over on my other website Here.
They also seem to be connected in some way to the Pro-Max Mints product, another shady looking “libido booster”, but I have not confirmed that.
Does Penestra Have A Website? Or An Address?
Look – This company doesn’t even have a website to sell the product. As a matter of fact I couldn’t even find an address to order the product – There’s none listed in the brochure even though there is an order form to fill out.
Just a 1-800 number to call. I wonder if anyone who orders even receives anything?
Can You Trust This Product?
I certainly don’t trust anything being said by these guys. I can’t find out anything about them. When calling the 800 number the nice gal couldn’t tell me either. She was just reading a script.
As far as I know this is just a bottle of pills with a label on it. If I ordered (and actually received something) I am quite sure – from my own personal experience, and from the many hundreds of other guys who have commented on this site about other product promotions like this – I am pretty sure there would be no one there to honor the one year guarantee as stated in the brochure. (remember – no address listed to return the product to)
Who Can You Trust?
Maybe time will tell that you can trust Penestra, (it hasn’t so far – see the comments below) but for now I am staying away from it. You can do what you want of course – and if you order it and it works (or not) I would appreciate a comment down below, (and so would a lot of other guys who are wondering).
Deal With A Proven Company
– What You Really Want –
There are of course companies that sell male enhancement products that have been around a long time and have products that actually work for many if not most of the guys who try them. (nothing works for everyone) That’s why you should deal with a proven product and legitimate company that you can research online.
Check Out Vigrx Plus
– The Thing You Need –
One product that I can sincerely recommend that is helpful for many guys is the all natural Vigrx Plus. I put a banner down below that you can click on that will take you right to their website and you can check it out and see if it is something that you feel might work for you too.
Take Care Out There,
Victor Mayfield
Taurn 23 Male Enhancer Review
3Figured I’d take some time to do a quick review of these Taurn-23 male enhancer pills, because from what I see and have found (or not found) I’m not sure they are going to do you any good.
What Are The Taurn-23 Ingredients?
The only thing they tell you is that there is Taurine in the pills, but they don’t say what else is is them. They claim they are made in the USA – which is good, if true – because there have been some really bad things out of China and other countries in the past.
I could not find out what the additional ingredients are even by visiting their website. How am I supposed to know if there is something in there that I might be allergic to?
I am always very cautious of any health supplement promotion that won’t be open and honest about their product. I am (pretty) sure that the ingredients are listed on the actual bottles as that is required by law, but that would mean I have to order the stuff to find out wouldn’t it?
Does Doctor Robert D. Mix even Exist?
I always like to do an internet search for the “Experts” these product promoters use to lend some legitimacy to their product. The guy noted in this promotion? I can’t find anything about him on the internet. He does get a mention in one search listing under the Taurn23 Google results, but I can’t count that because it is obvious that it should.
If I can’t verify a claim about a product with even a cursory search like that I automatically assume it is not valid and the whole product starts to look like a scam to me.
The Most Effective Male Enhancement?
Taurn-23 is claimed to be the most effective male enhancement product Ever made available without a prescription. Heh, heh.
If that were true I am sure we’d all have heard about it by now. If by chance this is some sort of sleeper product, the reviews (and comments on blogs like this) will start to show up, but that is a HUGE claim, and unfortunately for guys that need a little help in the libido department most likely not true.
Any Studies Done On This Product?
They claim in the promotional literature that there have been studies done (with positive results), but provide no evidence to back up that claim. If they did in fact have excellent results with this pill in a clinical study why don’t they note which study it is so we can look it up?
How Fast Does It Work?
They claim that most men will get an erection in about 90 seconds after taking just one pill. Amazing! Where have I heard that kind of claim before? Hmmm… in nearly Every scam type product promotion I have ever seen. That sort of claim never holds up. The human body doesn’t work that way with all natural male enhancers.
Any Guarantee?
The amazing thing about this Taurn-23 stuff is that they don’t offer a money back guarantee! If they do, they forgot to include anything about it in the brochure I got in the mail.
Even the worst of the worst products at least say they will give you your money back if their product doesn’t work for you. Not offering a money back guarantee is a HUGE RED FLAG and one that will keep me from even trying a product like this.
Is There A Proven All Natural Male Enhancement Pill?
There are of course libido enhancing products that work. The best of the all natural ones that I have found is VigRX Plus.
VigRX has been around for years and not only has actual clinical studies that show how good it works, they have tons of happy user testimonials, and Real Doctors talking about how and why it works for the majority of men who use it.
VigRX also has a very generous money back guarantee if you find that it doesn’t give you the results you want.
I put a banner down below that you can click on to be taken directly to their home page and check it out for yourself.
Is Blaze 24 Male Enhancer Any Good?
4Thought I’d dig into some of the claims made about this Blaze 24 male enhancer in this review.
I get a lot of these male enhancement product promotions via the USPS – sometimes on a daily basis, and I like to take some time looking to see if the facts add up to what is being said in the literature.
The first thing about Blaze 24 that I noticed in the multi-color brochure is the pictures. Lots of them. That’s always a sign to me that they are trying to distract me from the truth. Some of the pictures looked familiar so I looked back in some of the other promotions I received recently and sure enough, some of the pics look just like the ones of another product. The wording is even similar. My thoughts are going to be similar to the ones in the Ciatra Review I did.
The weird thing about these two products is that they claim that this FOMDI company is the exclusive distributor of both of them, but the return address on the enclosed envelope is different. Hmmmm. One of them goes to New York, and the other to California. Why is that? I wonder. Are they hiding something? Curious to say the least.
In the Blaze 24 literature they claim that if you take the product you will have an erection within 2 minutes – even seconds possibly! Yeah right! Do they really expect me to believe my body can process anything that fast. I have never seen it.
They also do not tell me what the ingredients of Blaze 24 are. I don’t like that.
They don’t go so far as to put a picture of a fake doctor in the promotional literature like many of these companies do, but the outrageous claims and lack of any real testimonials that I can find other than the few they provide (that look made up) and a few others over on another review site make me want to stay away from even trying the product.
Is there a product I trust?
I’ve had success with VigRX Plus in the past. I don’t even need to take it every day, but it does seem to take a few days to build up in my system. At least they are honest about that. The other thing is that Vigrx has plenty of user testimonials and has been a top product in this category for years.
If you are looking for something to help you out you may want to check it out. I put a banner down below. If you have success (or not) with it I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
NitroZyt Male Enhancer Pills – Can You Trust Them?
12See the following post to read an excellent Nitrozyt review. Are these male enhancement pills something you can trust?
By: Victor Mayfield
Whenever I see a new male enhancement product like NitroZyt I like to do a review and some investigation on whether or not the company and product is reliable, trustworthy, and whether or not I can verify any the claims that they make.
A lot of what I see in the Nitrozyt literature is similar to many of the promotions for libido pills that I have seen over the years. I wrote an article about this sort of thing, many of them scams, and you can read about it in an article that I had published over at E-Zine Articles here.
Is It A Scam?
Now I am in no way ready to say that this particular product is a scam… yet. Time will tell, but from the way they are promoting it, and the outrageous claims being made it reminds of Rexbull. Check out all of the comments people have made at the end of that article. Sheesh!
Instant Results?
NitroZyt claims that if you take their pill you will have instant results. Results they claim that are even better than the leading prescription medications that can cause all kinds of health problems they are so potent.
All of this from an all natural product, which by the way they don’t tell you what these natural ingredients are! That is something that really makes me go hmmmm…
What About Dr. Richard Solomon?
The next thing I did was an internet search for this Dr. Richard Solomon, M.D. While I found plenty of doctors by that name both in a regular search as well as an image search I could not find anything about this particular guy that had any relation to the Nitrozyte pill in question. There was one picture that came up in the image search that kind of looked like the guy shown in the promotional literature, but I could not tell for sure.
Doesn’t it seem like if this was a solid product, and a solid company behind it that you would find something that connected the two together?
I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt at this point because the product seems to be absolutely brand new, and the doctor may not have himself established enough yet to show up on the internet. (and if this is true, then that’s probably why he is trying to make some money promoting male enhancing aphrodisiacs!)
I know, I know… that’s a lot of slack to give, but lets look at what else they claim and see if it is even remotely believable.
Fishy Pictures
Now I am looking past all of the male members pictured in the literature, which is kind of hard to do what with how many of them there are. If you look closely you will see that the alleged before and after gains shown are not even the same guy!
As a matter of fact I don’t think I have seen so many pictures of this nature in this sort of promotion ever, but all of that being as it is they do claim that Nitrozyt will not only give you and instant erection, they also say that your penis will grow by as much as four inches in 30 days if you take this miracle pill! Wow, I better buy some right away!
Are Your Hopes Up Yet?
All kidding aside, there is nothing that is going to do that for any man. I know you had your hopes up for a minute there, but if such a product exists on the planet don’t you think we would have heard about it by now? (except from all of the male enhancement product promoters of course… wink, wink)
Any Real Users Getting Results From Nitrozyt?
Look, I don’t know that this particular sex pill won’t help you get your sex drive up a little bit, maybe it will. If anyone has had any sort of results good or bad I’d like to hear about it. You can comment below.
Proven And Real Products To Check Out
But if you are looking for a real and proven male enhancement pill and a company behind it that will tell you the truth then I recommend you check out Male Extra from moreniche or even the more expensive VigRX Plus
These particular products have been around a long time, and if you follow the link just above it will take you to their website where you can read testimonials from actual users over the years, see a video or two from real doctors talking about the science behind it and generally get yourself educated about what you should expect from an herbal/natural based libido pill that actually works for the majority of guys who take it. (there isn’t anything that works for everyone that I know of, but they do have a very generous money back guarantee that you can take advantage of if you don’t get the results you want)
Virility Ex certainly isn’t the cheapest pill available, and neither is VigRX Plus but I know that I am always willing to pay more for something that gives me the results I want. Check them out.
Are VIAKING Male Enhancement Pills Any Good?
5Figured I’d do a quick review of the new VIAKING male enhancement pills promotion.
This new male enhancer product is being promoted by Viarex Labs out of Chatsworth, California, and while they don’t go to the extreme in the statements made about how well this new virility pill will work like they have for some other products like Proalus and others, but they do seem to stretch it a bit.
I always like to follow up and do some research on the experts that are claimed to either have invented the product or who are giving their whole hearted recommendations. The expert “sexologists” in this case, from Sweden no less is a Doctor Petersen.
The other expert is a guy by the name of Professor Bernard. He’s allegedly a “specialist in sexology”.
The thing is… These “experts” don’t actually exist. If they are real people, you won’t find anything on the internet about them other than what is copied from the promotional literature the company sends out.
I wonder why that is?
Could it be that their newest of the new “virility formula” really isn’t all that new? Could it be that it is just a repackaged version of an old product? I don’t know.
It seems to me that any product, male enhancement or otherwise, if truly good, would have no trouble getting at least one real doctor that you could verify some information about. Not in this case.
Another interesting thing in the VIAKING literature is that they make note of a “study” that was done in which 999 men participated. They don’t provide any sort of proof of this study. They just claim that it was done. Hmmmm.
The results of the study seem to be pretty amazing too. They claim for instance that 97% had a more invigorating experience after the first dose. They also claim that 95% of the men participating made love at least twice in a row.
Let me tell you something. If that was a real scientific study done under clinical protocols you would be hearing about this new formula on the evening news. The leading prescription medications don’t even provide results like that.
The company does not provide any information to back up this alleged study though, so you pretty much have to assume it was not actually done and everything they say about it is a fantasy.
Sorry guys.
If these VIAKING pills are any good there is no way to verify it at this point.
Is There An All Natural Male Enhancer With Real Verifiable Results?
There is in fact an all natural libido booster with a verifiable clinical (double blind) study behind it. You may have heard the name before, but did not realize just how good of results guys are getting from it. The product with REAL outstanding results rivaling the leading prescription medication without the nasty side effects? It is VigRX Plus.
I put a banner down below that you can click on to be taken to the official site. You will find more information there than you could ever possibly want to find about a natural male enhancement product that has been proven to work for the majority of men who take it. (nothing works for everyone… keep that in mind… not even Viagra)
VigRX Plus has been around for a long time and the results speak for themselves.
Two nice things about the product.
#1 – You can verify all of the claims being made.
#2 – A real easy money back guarantee if you find that it is not right for you.
Don’t fall for any of these hyped up products that have nebulous results at best, or at worst are being promoted with outright lies.
VigRX Plus is not the cheapest all natural libido booster by any means, but I know that I am happy to pay more for a product that actually works and has stood the test of time.
Click on the banner below to check it out.
VIGORAX(tm) Male Enhancement Pills Review
10I had to do this Vigorax “pure power” male enhancer capsules review after receiving their promotional literature in the mail.
After looking over the brochure and at all of the incredible pictures of what I can expect after taking just a few of these pills or capsules I decided to dig a little bit deeper into this company, their product, and especially the wild claims they make.
I always chuckle a little bit when a company provides a ruler for me to measure my member. I guess that is supposed to make me think that they have so much faith in their libido enhancer and penis growth hormone or whatever that they are not shy about having me take a “before and after” measurement.
I did notice the address provided on the outside of the envelope is from Marina del Rey, California. What this makes me think is that this Vigorax stuff is just a relabeled version of some other male enhancement pill that did not work. It’s the same town that the Phero Game pills are promoted from. The claims that they make are similar too.
When a product is being promoted with claims like “proven to work no matter what”, and “get an erection in minutes”, you can pretty much know that is probably some sort of scam and the company won’t be around long enough for you to get your money back by the time you realize that you’ve been rooked.
Am I really supposed to believe that if I take just “one small capsule a day” my penis is going to grow 4″ longer after just 34 days? Really? Sheesh! Now I have really heard it all.
Well… not really.
Apparently I am supposed to believe this because the person who wrote the letter claims to be the Research and Development Director of a large Swiss laboratory. They don’t say which laboratory or even what this person’s name is!
I am not feeling very confident at this point. Apparently this highly powerful aphrodisiac has been developed in strict laboratory condition from natural extracts, but they won’t tell me what’s in it. That’s a secret! Great. Now I am going to spend my hard earned money for something that might make me sick, or give me hives, or otherwise make my life miserable because I am allergic to it or something. No thanks.
I am going to stay away from this product. If anyone has gotten the kind of results that VIGORAX claims a man (or woman) can get by taking it please comment below.
It all seems so familiar. Take a look at this info about Nitroxin male enhancer, and the Trivaxa review and you’ll see what I am talking about. Hope my rant has helped enlighten you about this product. Take care.
Victor Mayfield.
Oyster + Plus Aphrodisiac Review
7Figured I’d do a quick review of this “new” Oyster + male enhancement product.
In investigating the claims made in the Oyster plus product literature put out by the Australian Health and Natural Research Team I came across some discrepancies and figured I’d note what I found.
- The Australian Health and Natural Research Team, which sounds like a company that is based in Australia is actually a company based out of Pinellas Park, Florida. In the USA!
- Doctor Heath Barry, the “Director” of the above company does not come up in any internet search. As a matter of fact, the company itself has no information listed on the internet about it other than a less than stellar BBB rating.
- I could not find anything about the other doctor by the name of Stephen Morrow either. There are doctors by that name, but none that I could link to the company or the product.
- On the front of the brochure it show a guy and lady talking about their “capsule of the week”, but it turns out that this is not a male enhancement capsule or pill, it is some sort of transdermal patch that you affix to your skin. In the picture is appears that the guy is holding a pill though. That’s weird.
- They claim that the product is all natural, and it very well may be, but in an internet search I discovered that a product that went by the same name was banned in certain countries because it had Tadalafil in it. That’s the same stuff in some of the prescription medications for erectile dysfunction. Check out the Health Canada Alert. I don’t know if this is the same product, it probably is not, but it is an unfortunate similarity that makes me unsure of this product.
- There is another product by the same name sold in caplet or pill form by some of the leading internet health product supplement websites, but this other product is not sole as a male enhancer.
- They make some bold claims about multiple orgasms for both men and women who use Oyster +, but I could find no independent testimonials on the internet regarding these claims.
- The envelope that the brochure came in said “by air mail” on it, but it came regular mail, bulk rate.
- They say that it is medically proven and scientifically tested, but provide no information on how someone could verify that claim.
There are a few more things I could mention, but these things alone make me want to stay away from this product. The claims are too bold, and without any back up information that I can verify I can tell you that I won’t be ordering any.
For now I’ll stick with my VigRX Plus. It does more than an adequate job for me.
What I like about VigRX is that the product has been around for years, and for every claim that they make there is verifiable proof. Real doctors, real testimonial, and an actual double blind clinical study behind it.
If you are looking for something natural to boost your libido you might want to check it out. It’s not cheap, but for something that actually works and won’t harm your health I think it is more than worth the price.
They even provide quite a few free things depending on what package you order. Click the banner below to check VigRX Plus out for yourself. Victor Mayfield.
Is Russian Rx Male Enhancer Safe?
6I am going to point out a few things about the Russian Rx male enhancement product is this review that you might want to be aware of.
Northwestern Nutraceuticals is the company promoting Russian RX with a full color 10 page brochure that comes in the mail. This brochure is very professionally put together and has an incredible amount of information in it that seems to support the male enhancement product being promoted.
However, there are a few things that don’t seem quite right, and have this author a bit concerned regarding their “facts”.
They claim that the secret to the potency of this product is something called Ecdysterone. I did a Wikepedia search about this compound and found that Ecdysterone is in fact a real thing, but the scientific evidence in humans so far seems to point to it having similar effects on them as anabolic steroids do.
What this means, according to the information at Wikipedia is that those men and women who have ingested it have side effects including hair growth, deepening of the voice, and gastrointestinal issues that include diarrhea!
The problem about this in my opinion is that they claim that Russian Rx is the “Steroidal Holy Grail”, and claim that it has no side effects in the brochure. Hmmmm. I’m not so sure about that.
They also claim that “years of research have proven it safe and effective”, but in all of the many pages of information they send out they never cite any actual studies that anyone can check out for themselves. A little bit of tricky wording in my opinion, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt at this point.
The next thing I investigated is the actual company itself, Northwestern Nutraceuticals, and the Doctor who signed the letter at the end of the brochure, Stuart Armstrong MD.
I figured with all of this amazing information there would be a ton of information on the internet about this fine doctor and this company, BUT THERE ISN’T ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY OR THIS ALLEGED DOCTOR!
Doesn’t it seem like if they really had some sort of scientific breakthrough in an all natural male enhancement formula there would be lots of people talking about it? It sure seems like it to me.
Now I have heard of d-Phenylalaline before, (which they say is one of the primary ingredients in Russian Rx) but in my Wiki search for more information about it the thing that stood out was that in the USA, Canada, and the UK, it is mandatory to have health warnings about it if it is an ingredient in a product that is being sold. It seems that some people have major health problems if they ingest this compound so that kinda scares me.
I looked up Punica Granatum L as well. There is some information about it, but the evidence for it being helpful in helping with erection problems is non existent as far as I could find. It seems that what they claim in the brochure is just speculation on how it might help with this problem.
All in all there are too many missing pieces to this puzzle for me to even consider buying Russian-Rx. If the claims made by an apparently brand new company by the name of Northwestern Nutraceuticals do in fact eventually prove to be true I am sure we will all hear about it in someplace other than the marketing materials that they send out.
It seems at this point it is all just flashy (and a bit tricky) promotion to get people to spend their hard earned money on an unproven product.
If Russian Rx doesn’t work, is there anything that does?
Well, I have reviewed lots of male enhancement products and the best one that I have found so far is VigRX Plus.
This is an all natural male enhancement pill that has been around for a long time. It even has a double blind clinical study behind it that shows it to be as effective as the leading prescribed e.d. medications.
You can check out all of the facts, user testimonials, ingredients, clinical study and more by clicking the banner below.
While it may cost a bit more than some of the other products being promoted to help boost a man’s libido, I personally know how good it is, and I don’t mind paying a bit extra for something that works so well. Check it out. Victor Mayfield.
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