I hadn’t heard of Adam’s Secret all natural male enhancement pills before so I decided to investigate and do a review.

Adam’s Secret Review

It’s an interesting name for a libido enhancer for sure, and there seems to be a fair amount of different websites selling the product including Amazon.com – Click Here.

Sold On Amazon

There are also quite a few reviews on Amazon from happy (and unhappy) customers.

adams secret male enhancement pills review

You can check out the reviews for this product on Amazon by clicking the picture above.

It seems to be a mixed bag, although even with Amazon reviews you can’t always tell if the “good” reviews are fake, but my feeling is that most of the “negative” reviews usually are from real people  (although a competitor will sometimes leave a bad review).

Less than 50% of the reviews on Amazon about this product are 5 stars.  

Here are a couple of reviews that stuck out to me:

  • “This is like taking a sugar pill or placebo……have taken three to date, following the instructions. Not so much as a twinge, tingle or urge. It does absolutely nothing for me.”
  • “Made me feel sick, made my blood pressure drop to an almost dangerous low. Would noot recomend this to any man with blood pressure problems.”
  • “It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Giving you a headache and 3 days of acid reflex, that is. And nothing much else. The advertised effects were virtually non-existent “

Adam’s Secret Ingredients

The literature I received in the mail says that this product has “special ingredients” not often found in the all natural male enhancement products sold in the USA, but a quick review finds that this is not really the case save for the “Cnidium Monnieri”…

I have not heard of that before, but after looking a bit online it’s quite a common herb used for all kinds of different maladies.  Heres a link to a Web MD article about Cnidium Monnieri.

Everything else listed is in most every other run of the mill male enhancement pill.

Experts?  Website?

I took a look online for Dr. Richard Wellinger Sex Therapist, but could not find any doctor by those credentials.

Funny don’t you think?

Every real doctor out there is listed in some directory somewhere, but not this one apparently.  I’m assuming this is a fake testimonial from a fake doctor just like most every other scam promotion for products like these.  Check out my commentary about the

There are several websites you can find online that sell this product including Amazon so I’m thinking just about anyone can buy the product “wholesale” and start selling it themselves.

Is It Any Good?

I have not personally ordered this stuff, but I have to say that their marketing is pretty good.  As to whether or not it works for the majority of guys who take it I have to rely on the Amazon reviews and my answer to that is a big resounding “no”.

I’m not here to tell you this product will not help you with your problem.  Nothing in this category does, but I can tell you that paying “only half the price of Viagra” for an all natural male enhancer is a no go for me when I can get other natural enhancers at way less than $10 a pill.

What Works?

I recommend a couple of products in this category including VigrxPlus – Click Here.

Vigrx is quite potent and works for the majority of guys who take it – but not everyone.

I also know that if you want to get your money back you won’t have any problem… they’ve been around for a long time.

Check out VigrxPlus (at a much cheaper price per pill than Adam’s Secret) by clicking on the banner below.

Best Regards,

Victor M.