Victor Mayfield
Victor Mayfield writes Product Reviews about Natural Enhancement Supplements and a lot of other stuff too. You can also find Victor's writings on the Natural Enhancement Products Website.
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Posts by Victor Mayfield

Super Brain Pills – What Supplements For Memory Are Best?
1There’s is a growing amount of interest in brain pills lately – I keep hearing about them, so I decided to take a look at what’s out there and to see if all of the hype matches up with reality.
Is There A Limitless Pill In Real Life?

The Limitless Pill gained a lot of interest after a movie called “Limitless” came out in 2011, (I saw it and thought it was a good movie).
There are some prescription “brain drugs” out there, but the truth is that like many (most?) prescription drugs they come with a lot of potential nasty side effects.
Any Natural Brain Supplements That Work?
I took a look over on Amazon after doing a search for “Brain Pill” and I found quite a few supplements that have a lot of positive reviews and several that have a large amount of negative reviews.
Like most vitamins as well as RX pills there is a lot of conflicting feedback on what works best.
Some people claim outstanding results and others say they don’t work at all and they have real bad side effects.
I’ve hired a professional researcher to investigate many of these claims and I’m publishing their synopsis below. – VM
Brain Pills Research
5 Surefire Supplements For Memory and Concentration written by: Lancelot Gobbo
Many people believe that it is okay to lose memory and the ability to concentrate as they grow old, but this is not the case.
In fact, poor memory and concentration affect people of all ages, whether old or young. There are some things such as poor blood flow to the brain, fatigue, poor diet, as well as emotional state that may influence your concentration and memory.
If you find yourself not being able to remember what you learned a few hours or days ago, or you can’t concentrate well, then you need to get yourself the best natural cognitive enhancer that will make you smarter and clear the brain fog.
Top Five Supplements For The Brain
In fact, here are the top five best supplements for memory and concentration that will help support brain functioning as well as increase the blood flow to your brain.
#1: Adrafinil
If you have been looking for one of the strongest supplements for boosting both your concentration and memory, then take a look at Adrafinil. It’s esentially the best nootropics that you should go for.
Adrafinil is a safer analeptic compound that is used for treating ADD and ADHD as well as other disorders that may impair attentiveness and mental performance. Most people use this supplement because it has no serious side effects as compared with other supplements.
Most people who have used this limitless pill claim that they can concentrate more intensely all throughout the day without experiencing brain strain or fatigue. Adrafinil is unbelievably powerful (for most people) and because of this reason you are supposed to use it on an infrequent basis to prevent harming your liver.
#2: Piracetam
This is another powerful natural cognitive enhancer and one of the top nootropics known for its effectiveness in boosting memory, learning capacity and other cognitive processes.
This memory and concentration supplement works by modulating the functioning of receptors and arch transmitters, which is achieved by increasing the amount of Acetylcholine that circulates within the brain. Also, Piracetam increases oxygen uptake to the brain cells, resulting in memory improvement and improved concentration.
Piracetam is perfect for every person who wishes to enhance his or her concentration and memory. You may find that it improves your attention control as well as working memory which is another component of decision-making functions.
#3: Neurofuse
Neurofuse is among the top pills that make you smarter, it combines high quality and wisely researched ingredients specifically designed for improving your mental performance and sharpen your focus and clarity into two simple pills that work wonders.
It is food for the brain since it contains ingredients that have been scientifically proven to not only improve memory but also concentration enabling you to stay focus and recall every information accurately.
Also, this nootropic may also boost your mental and physical energy, since it contains ingredients such as Rhodiola Rosea, Vitamin B6 and 12, Caffeine and DMAE that work synergistically to help in fighting fatigue and staying alert.
In addition to enhancing your memory and concentration many people feel that this brain supplement is a limitless pill in real life since it can improve the overall feelings of happiness while reducing anxiety or stress to help you feel good.
#4: Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa Monnieri is one of the most commonly used natural cognitive enhancers with proven effects for enhancing memory and concentration as well as brain health. It is also known as Brahami; this pill can make much stronger as compared with equivalent products. Bacopa Monnieri is extracted from a herb, so it is purely natural.
One of the reasons why you should consider Bacopa Monnieri as your nootropic is that it not only enhance your memory when used for a long-term, but also it has been proven to improve mild depression and anxiety.
Also, these supplements are efficient in regulating serotine and regulating Dopamine. So, if you have been looking for pills that make you smarter, Bacopa Monnieri may be a perfect choice for you.
#5: Rhodiola Rosea
This is a natural nootropic that can reduce fatigue, improve your mood, alleviate stress and boost your concentration and memory.
These supplements exert an anti-fatigue effect, which enhances mental performance. According to clinical studies Rhodiola Rosea has been proven to be working primarily on boosting concentration and focus.
Rhodiola Rosea supplements is one of the widely used supplements in the market because of its mental benefits such as stimulating the release of Norepinephrine, a very powerful neurotransmitter that is involved in alertness and attention.
Apart from boosting your focus Rhodiola Rosea is also known for reducing irritability and sleep problems.
So there you have it folks… Plenty of options when it comes to increasing your brain power, memory, and concentration abilities.
Remember, there isn’t any one thing out there (yet) that works for everyone, so do your research, read the reviews, and check with your doctor before taking anything if you have any sort of health issues that may be affected by ingesting any of these types of nootropics or super brain pill supplements.
All the best,
Victor M.

Adam’s Secret Male Enhancement Pills Review
8I hadn’t heard of Adam’s Secret all natural male enhancement pills before so I decided to investigate and do a review.
Adam’s Secret Review
It’s an interesting name for a libido enhancer for sure, and there seems to be a fair amount of different websites selling the product including – Click Here.
Sold On Amazon
There are also quite a few reviews on Amazon from happy (and unhappy) customers.
It seems to be a mixed bag, although even with Amazon reviews you can’t always tell if the “good” reviews are fake, but my feeling is that most of the “negative” reviews usually are from real people (although a competitor will sometimes leave a bad review).
Less than 50% of the reviews on Amazon about this product are 5 stars.
Here are a couple of reviews that stuck out to me:
- “This is like taking a sugar pill or placebo……have taken three to date, following the instructions. Not so much as a twinge, tingle or urge. It does absolutely nothing for me.”
- “Made me feel sick, made my blood pressure drop to an almost dangerous low. Would noot recomend this to any man with blood pressure problems.”
- “It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Giving you a headache and 3 days of acid reflex, that is. And nothing much else. The advertised effects were virtually non-existent “
Adam’s Secret Ingredients
The literature I received in the mail says that this product has “special ingredients” not often found in the all natural male enhancement products sold in the USA, but a quick review finds that this is not really the case save for the “Cnidium Monnieri”…
I have not heard of that before, but after looking a bit online it’s quite a common herb used for all kinds of different maladies. Heres a link to a Web MD article about Cnidium Monnieri.
Everything else listed is in most every other run of the mill male enhancement pill.
Experts? Website?
I took a look online for Dr. Richard Wellinger Sex Therapist, but could not find any doctor by those credentials.
Funny don’t you think?
Every real doctor out there is listed in some directory somewhere, but not this one apparently. I’m assuming this is a fake testimonial from a fake doctor just like most every other scam promotion for products like these. Check out my commentary about the
There are several websites you can find online that sell this product including Amazon so I’m thinking just about anyone can buy the product “wholesale” and start selling it themselves.
Is It Any Good?
I have not personally ordered this stuff, but I have to say that their marketing is pretty good. As to whether or not it works for the majority of guys who take it I have to rely on the Amazon reviews and my answer to that is a big resounding “no”.
I’m not here to tell you this product will not help you with your problem. Nothing in this category does, but I can tell you that paying “only half the price of Viagra” for an all natural male enhancer is a no go for me when I can get other natural enhancers at way less than $10 a pill.
What Works?
I recommend a couple of products in this category including VigrxPlus – Click Here.
Vigrx is quite potent and works for the majority of guys who take it – but not everyone.
I also know that if you want to get your money back you won’t have any problem… they’ve been around for a long time.
Check out VigrxPlus (at a much cheaper price per pill than Adam’s Secret) by clicking on the banner below.
Best Regards,
Victor M.

Male Extra – The Benefits and a Review – Does It Work?
0I ordered a bottle of Male Extra – figured I’d note the benefits here and do a short review.
What Is Male Extra?
It’s an all natural male libido booster (a male enhancement product), and since I’m now approaching 50 years old I figured that while I have used natural enhancers in the past (such as VigRX Plus – which works well, but is strong for me and my sensitive stomach) there are times that I am not always able to give my wife “the full experience” if you know what I mean.
My Personal Testimonial
I took a couple of these blue pills (are they blue to be similar to Viagra? – I don’t know) every day for a few days, and I have to say that I did notice a difference in my “desire” so to speak.
I found that my desire/libido seemed to be stronger and when my wife and I had the chance to “get romantic” and I seemed to have more staying power, and I was able to “get it up” faster, and stay that way for the duration – which I had not always been able to lately – thus the reason for trying another of these natural libido boosters.
I did some digging around and found this nice info graphic that shows the ingredients of Male Extra. Check it out.
Does Male Extra Work?
In my experience I can say that it definitely did what I was looking for it to do. A quicker response, more desire, as well as a more enjoyable experience. I can’t say the it helped me to “last longer in bed”, but I’ve never been one to last for a half an hour or more anyway.
Side Effects
I did not notice any sort of side effects. I have taken similar products in the past – maybe too many pills at a time – any I got a bit of a “sour stomach” for a while, but that’s about it.
More Male Extra Information
I found another infographic that I put below that if you click on will take you right to their information page and where you can place an order for it. They do provide a generous money back guarantee if you feel that it doesn’t do for you what you are looking for.
I recommend Male Extra as a good product, with good value and the company that sells them are a legitimate company to do business with.
When I ordered my product it came within 5 days, and I felt it was safe for me to ingest.
Male Extra Review Video
The guy below did a nice video – (it’s not me in the video), but he provides good information about the product. He says “the best results come with two months of use” – but I found it worked much faster than that in my case.
Click Here To Check Out Male Extra On Their Main Website and see if it’s right for you.
Of course if you have any sort of health problems, particularly heart or circulation problems (clotting, etc.) it’s always important to check with your doctor first before taking because some natural herbs will actually make your blood clot more – and you definitely don’t want that if you are prone to pulmonary embolisms, etc.
All the best.

Can A $20 Bottle Of Pills Really Boost Your Libido?
1I took a look recently over on Amazon to see what the best selling and best rated all natural male enhancement product was – how much is was selling for – and what kinds of reviews it had.
A $20 Libido Booster For Men?
I was surprised to find that the best selling and highest rated bottle of pills (vitamins and minerals essentially) for improving a man’s ability to perform in bed was selling for only $20.
It’s put out by Huntington Labs – They’ve been around for quite some time, and judging by the reviews from “happy users” it seems to be a pretty good product.
Are The Reviews Real?
Some of the reviews over on Amazon about this product seem made up – Click Here To Go To The Page – , like they were written by a professional copywriter or something.
There are however nearly 400 total reviews at this point so if you are looking for a real cheap way to try out a (mostly) all natural product you really don’t have anything to lose because Amazon makes it real easy to return a product and get a refund if you don’t like it.
Reviewer’s Highlights
Here’s some of the “reviews” from Amazon.
Product Info
Here’s some of the product info and claims made by the manufacturer.
Pure Maca Supplement ● Natural & Real Enhancement ● Highest Grade and Quality Capsules ● Pure Maca Root, L-Arginine & Tongkat Ali Powder – Lifetime Guarantee by Huntington Labs
Are They Worth It?
I have not taken these, but if I was looking for a cheap way to boost my libido they would certainly be worth a try in my opinion. Here’s that link again:
All the best,
Victor M.
GeoDuck X5 Micro Pill Review
19I figured an investigation into these GeoDuck X5 micro pills (tablets) was in order after receiving a colorful brochure in the mail about them today.
Is GeoDuck Real?
There’s no doubt that there is in fact a clam called Geoduck. You can read all about it over on Wikipedia. Interesting stuff.
What is in doubt is whether or not this company ( Landmark Research and Development ) has captured the essence of what they say they have.
Any Truth To These Micro Pills?
Now I’ll tell you up front (after doing product reviews for many years) that claims such as this are highly suspect, so you can often save a lot of your hard earned money by digging into the “facts” as proclaimed by these (oftentimes) hucksters.
Is Landmark Research and Development A Real Company?
It doesn’t take anything but a quick internet search to find out that you can find nothing (and I mean nothing) regarding a company by this name – nor their so called Doctor by the name of Dr. Leonard Chamberlain.
Landmark’s Address
The address provided on the return envelope looked familiar so I did some digging in past product reviews on this website and others.
Interestingly enough I found some other “amazing products” being sold from other addresses in South Portland Maine.
See the reviews about Tigra male enhancement, and Extreme FX I did and be sure to read the comments at the end of those articles from guys who got scammed.
Do These Pills Work?
I can’t say for sure if these “micro – tablets” will work instantly or in Less Than 3 Minutes as the promotional material claims because I have not tried them – and I won’t be sending this (apparently) fictional company any of my hard earned money either.
What I can tell you is that I have yet to see anything that works that fast. If these “all natural male enhancement pills” are everything they are claimed to be we’ll be seeing lots of comments to that fact soon enough.
What I won’t be surprised to see is many comments appearing right under this post as to how they don’t work – or even that people who did order never received their product. Time will tell.
Anything Natural You Can Trust?
I recently updated the “scam and recall list” for products promoted as safe and natural. Take a look. If those facts don’t scare you then nothing will and I wish you the best.
I always recommend that folks deal with a proven and trustworthy product and company when looking for an all natural libido booster.
The two products that I have used successfully are Provacyl and VigrxPlus. They are more expensive than a lot of other products of this nature, but I can tell you from personal experience that they do in fact work.
NOTE: For a limited time you can use coupon code (ADDPSP) or (ADDEXT) when purchasing any of the above two products and get some additional natural male enhancement product for free.
I put a banner for Vigrx just below – click on it and check it out – they have lots of testimonials from happy users – they have a generous money back guarantee if you find it doesn’t work for you either.
Good Luck out there.
All the best.
Victor Mayfield
Does Yang Max Male Enhancement Work? Testimonials?
6I received a flyer in the mail for a “new” male enhancer called Yang Max. After a bit of research I discovered that it isn’t all that “new”.
YangMax Testimonials ?
I couldn’t find even one “real” testimonial about this product. Even the main website/company that sells it (called Worldwide Herbals – doesn’t have any. The best I can say about that is – at least they didn’t make some up – unlike many other companies out there.
Does Yang Max Work?
There’s no way for me to tell if this product works as described. They tout the benefits of Cordyceps which I have written about previously – as they were part of the ingredients of another product that turned out to not work for anyone who tried it.
Can anyone provide some information? Is this a legitimate company? etc…
Please comment below.
All the best,
Victor M.
Update: December 2014 – No comments yet.
Update: June 2015 – 1 comment (below)
Rexbull Pills Review
0The Rexbull promotions keep coming in the mail – they lie so much – Here’s my review of this bogus male enhancement product promotion.
Has Rexbull Changed?
I wrote a review about these REXBULL male enhancement pills over two years ago (on another site of mine) and received dozens of negative comments about the company. Check out the Rexbull complaints and comments – Click Here.
Rexbull Ingredients
From the original promotion where they didn’t even mention what was in the pills (except for Taurine) the newest promotion does list other “special ingredients”.
I’m not sure if this new formula will work for anyone – maybe it will, but this company has been scamming guys out of their hard earned money for years now.
Rexbull Address
These guys have changed their address. The new one is PO Box 10570 in New Brunswick New Jersey. The old one was: 798 Woodlane Road, Suite 10, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060-2300.
If this product is so good why change the address? Are they hiding something? The “1-800” number to order the product is the same though. Hmmmm
30 Seconds To Glorious Manhood?
It’s amazing that they keep claiming this – it must help them sell (or scam people out of their money) more product. Does anyone reading this actually believe it could be true? Really?
Rexbull Claims
I’m not going to go into all of the other wild claims and lies in the promotional literature. If you are reading this you can see for yourself.
Can You Trust Rexbull?
After two years of comments and complaints about this product and company I sure wouldn’t buy anything from them. I certainly wouldn’t even expect to get any product in the mail.
Here’s the link to the Rexbull comments section on my other site again.
Does Anything Work?
There are some good all natural male enhancement products available. I advertise them right on this site. Everyone that I recommend is a company (and product) that you can trust.
Male Extra has a good product. Take some time to visit the site and see if they have something that will help you get what you want.
Good Luck Out There.
Victor Mayfield
HTL Male Enhancement Review
8I received a promotion for HTL male enhancement pills from Enhance Magazine For Men in the mail – figured a review was in order.
HTL and Performance Health Solutions
The first thing that struck me funny when looking over the promotion for these pills is that on the front cover of the “magazine” that promotes these “all natural libido pills” is that it says “Doctor fed up with internet scams releases HTL”
It’s Funny
The reason this is funny to me is that this Doctor G is not a real doctor.
The literature goes on and on about “honesty” and “integrity” and “treating people right”, etc. etc., but as far as I can tell this is just a senior aged male model in a lab coat. That’s right.
If this guy was a real doctor why don’t they tell you his last name? If you do an internet search for “Doctor G + anything related to this company or product” you won’t come up with anything.
Dr. Martha Grimes Sex Therapist
The same thing goes for this lady “doctor”. Do an internet search yourself… she doesn’t exist.
Performance Health Solutions?
No business listing anywhere for a company by this name. The address on the return envelope says PO Box 247, Scarborough, ME. The interesting thing is that one of the biggest scams that I ever wrote about (over two years ago) was for a “sex magnet” called Magnasex – that one was out of Scarborough Maine too.
HTL Phone Number
Here’s the “order line” phone number. 888-728-7258 I have a feeling I’m going to get a lot of emails from people looking for it. It happens a lot with companies that promote like this. Check out the comments (at the end of my review) regarding a product called Penestra as well as Extreme Fx
The only thing people can find on the internet about a product (when they are looking for an order that they never received – or are looking to get their money back) is what I have to say about it, but by the time they find me it is too often too late.
A Triple Helix
These guys go on and on about Helix 3 – or The Triple Helix. Now I’m no chemist, such a thing probably exists, and it sounds real good, (Wikipedia has something about it Here) but with all the lies these guys are telling so far I’m not believing anything they say at this point.
London Daily Review?
Supposedly there’s this guy named Robert Meyer who writes for the “London Daily Review”. Now that sounds like a legitimate magazine/newspaper. Let’s do an internet search…. You probably guessed by now that neither of them exist!
Russian Urologist?
How about this doctor named Yuri Chekov? Bingo! Nothing. Are you starting to see a pattern here?
They Do Get One Thing Right
In the promotional literature they mention “dubious overseas factories” and for sure this is the truth. I’ve written about recalls on natural male enhancement products in the past. See Here.
It is true that you never know what you are getting if a product like this is made overseas – but at this point I sure can’t trust that this HTL stuff isn’t either… based on the untruths they’ve told me so far.
Increase Your Length and Width?
Wild claims here, just like every other dubious promotion out there.
HTL Ingredients
The ingredients mentioned are similar to many “all natural male enhancers”, nothing special there. Maybe they will help you – maybe they won’t.
Does It Work?
I’m not saying that HTL won’t do something for you. It may increase your libido – it may not. After all, nothing works for everyone. If anyone deals with this company and actually gets what they ordered I’d like to here from you in the comments below.
Am I Wrong?
If I am wrong about any of this I’d like to hear about it. Make a comment below.
What Works?
There are in fact some all natural male enhancement products that work for most of the guys who take them. They are advertised right on this site. The first one you should check out and see if it’s right for you is VigRx Plus – Click Here, then check out Zenerex or even Semenax (scroll to the bottom of the page).
I have thoroughly vetted all of them – if you don’t like the products I recommend you won’t have any trouble getting your money back.
Do Your Homework
Check out the legitimate products I am recommending. (and read about some of the other scams going around – Click Here to read about the Rexbull scam)
See if they are something that you feel might help you get what you want. My experience says that HTL is shady at best. They don’t even have a website and they hide behind a P.O. Box – do you really think you’ll get your money back? Really?
Good Luck Out There
Victor Mayfield
Pro-Max Mints For Male Enhancement?
19I figured I should take a look at what Pro – Max says these male enhancement mints will do and see if there are any real testimonials. Plus I wanted to check out the company selling them.
Pro-Max Mints Review

Here’s a picture of the ProMax Mints from a website that sells them.
The whole thing seems a bit shady to me.
Whenever I get a solicitation in the mail that says “sexually oriented ad” on the outside of the envelope my curiousity is peaked and I have to take a look and see what (potential) scam is now being perpetrated upon the masses.
The Advertising
This advertisement for Pro Max mints is much like most of the male enhancent miracle junk mail I get. Enough graphic pictures to get your attention and all kinds of wild claims promising you’ll get “to the moon” in a very short time if only you will take these latest and greatest miracle pill.
A Chewable?
This is the first I’ve seen of a chewable tablet that I can take to get my libido raging in “just two short minutes”. I done reviews on Patches, Potions, Pills, and more – but this one has to take the cake. Maybe I should buy some right away!

There are natural things that people believe boosts their libido, but I’m not sure that Pro-Max mints is one of them.
Let’s Get Real
They say that “8 safe and powerful ‘potency agents’ ” are in these mints and that they are a unique blend of powerful libido boosters.. Typical. Have you seen the stories of the guys that were importing Sildenifil (viagra) and putting it into an “all natural” male enhancement pill? Check that story out Here.
Can You Trust Them?
Whenever I check out a company I start by doing an internet search. Here’s some of what I found.
- The company is not Better Business Bureau rated. (not necessarily a bad thing)
- There are no legitimate looking testimonials that I found.
- There are other products similar in name and nature. (is this a new name for an old product?)
- The company does not have a website.
- These are incredibly expensive for an unproven product.
- There is a website at that is selling them for less than what is advertised in the flyer I received. Looks kinda sketchy in my opinion. I wouldn’t order from that website.
I couldn’t find anything on the internet that says I can trust this company or the guy Marcus Sargent who is noted in the flyer as the guy behind the product. Just a 1-800 number to order the product, and an address which is: 511 Avenue of the Americas, #607, New York, NY 10011. The guarantee looks pretty empty too.
If anyone has experience with the ProMax Mints company – or has used the product with good (or bad) results, I’d like to hear about it in the comments down below.
Victor Mayfield
What Works?
There are a few all natural male enhancement products that have stood the test of time and that many men get good results from. One of them is Male Extra and I did a personal review of the product that you can read about my experience with it right HERE.
Check it out and see if you feel it might be right for you by Clicking This Link.

Trinoxid Review – Truthful Male Enhancement?
9It’s hard for me to even try and explain just how bad this Trinoxid male enhancement product promotion is, but I will try – in as few words as possible.
Trinoxid Male Enhancement Review
I get a lot of these types of promotions in the mail, after all, I’m a guy in his mid 40’s and have tried various kinds of all natural male pills over the last few years so I’m on a lot of mailing lists I suppose.
Sometimes I find a product that actually works – most of the time what I find is that these male product promoters are only out to scam or fleece the unwitting. That’s why I write these reviews.
Check out all of the people who have been scammed in the “comments” section after each article Here and here. I could list ten more, but if you take a look you’ll get the idea.
Trinoxid Phone Number And Address
Before I get ahead of myself I want to list the address and phone number for these guys because it seems that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t get an email or a comment from someone looking for the pertinent information on a particular company because either they didn’t get their order, want to return the product because it doesn’t work, or the company keeps billing their credit card and they want them to stop – so here they are. Phone # = 800-818-7208 – Address: 2251 N. Rampart Blvd. Suite 707, Las Vegas, NV 89128
Trinoxid Claims
Below are just some of the ridiculous claims these guys make about their product.
- Desire – Do it 6 times a day! (is that even possible for 99% of the men in this world?)
- Unlock your pheremones. (really? with a pill – yeah right)
- 3 inches longer and 23.5% thicker in just 30 days. (now I really have heard it all)
- The only thing that really works. (lots of different products work for different guys)
Reading the testimonials that Trinoxid lists in their full color multi page p**rn promotional literature is like reading professionally written greeting cards. If these testimonials aren’t made up I’d be very surprised.
Dr. Susan Susman?
I always like to check out the “expert” that these scammy product promoters put forth as their witness to the great efficacy of their product.
Usually I don’t find anyone with that name and in this case these guys don’t disappoint – I could not find a Dr. Susan Susman sex therapist to the stars listed anywhere online even after a lengthy internet search.
Besides… in the promotional literature they put a picture of a guy dressed in doctor’s clothes next to “Dr. Susan’s” testimonial. Sheesh. Gimme a break already!
Does Trinoxid Work?
After looking over 32 full color pages of the most graphic male enhancement product promotion I have received in a long long time I can tell you in my personal opinion from years of doing these product reviews that I have no idea if Trinoxid will work for you.
What I can tell you is this.
- This company does not have a website as of this writing – March 2014. Who does business without a website anymore? Check out my review on HTL too. Same kind of thing.
- The company’s “experts” don’t exist as far as I can tell.
- They have a “Guarantee” listed – but if you look closely they don’t say you can return the product for a full refund if it doesn’t work for you. Most of the time these companies will tell you that they product has to be in the original packaging and give you all kinds of run around if you want to get your money back.
Is There A Product That Actually Works?
I have found a couple of products and companies that actually do what they say for the majority of guys – and if they don’t the guys don’t have any trouble getting their money back even after a couple of months or more.
The main product that I recommend is Vigrx Plus. (more expensive than most – but worth it)
You could also check out Zenerx by clicking the banner over there on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I put a banner down below that you can click on and check out Vigrx and see if you feel that this might be a good all natural male enhancement product for you.
Good Luck out there,
Recent Comments