Posts tagged men

Trinoxid Review – Truthful Male Enhancement?
9It’s hard for me to even try and explain just how bad this Trinoxid male enhancement product promotion is, but I will try – in as few words as possible.
Trinoxid Male Enhancement Review
I get a lot of these types of promotions in the mail, after all, I’m a guy in his mid 40’s and have tried various kinds of all natural male pills over the last few years so I’m on a lot of mailing lists I suppose.
Sometimes I find a product that actually works – most of the time what I find is that these male product promoters are only out to scam or fleece the unwitting. That’s why I write these reviews.
Check out all of the people who have been scammed in the “comments” section after each article Here and here. I could list ten more, but if you take a look you’ll get the idea.
Trinoxid Phone Number And Address
Before I get ahead of myself I want to list the address and phone number for these guys because it seems that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t get an email or a comment from someone looking for the pertinent information on a particular company because either they didn’t get their order, want to return the product because it doesn’t work, or the company keeps billing their credit card and they want them to stop – so here they are. Phone # = 800-818-7208 – Address: 2251 N. Rampart Blvd. Suite 707, Las Vegas, NV 89128
Trinoxid Claims
Below are just some of the ridiculous claims these guys make about their product.
- Desire – Do it 6 times a day! (is that even possible for 99% of the men in this world?)
- Unlock your pheremones. (really? with a pill – yeah right)
- 3 inches longer and 23.5% thicker in just 30 days. (now I really have heard it all)
- The only thing that really works. (lots of different products work for different guys)
Reading the testimonials that Trinoxid lists in their full color multi page p**rn promotional literature is like reading professionally written greeting cards. If these testimonials aren’t made up I’d be very surprised.
Dr. Susan Susman?
I always like to check out the “expert” that these scammy product promoters put forth as their witness to the great efficacy of their product.
Usually I don’t find anyone with that name and in this case these guys don’t disappoint – I could not find a Dr. Susan Susman sex therapist to the stars listed anywhere online even after a lengthy internet search.
Besides… in the promotional literature they put a picture of a guy dressed in doctor’s clothes next to “Dr. Susan’s” testimonial. Sheesh. Gimme a break already!
Does Trinoxid Work?
After looking over 32 full color pages of the most graphic male enhancement product promotion I have received in a long long time I can tell you in my personal opinion from years of doing these product reviews that I have no idea if Trinoxid will work for you.
What I can tell you is this.
- This company does not have a website as of this writing – March 2014. Who does business without a website anymore? Check out my review on HTL too. Same kind of thing.
- The company’s “experts” don’t exist as far as I can tell.
- They have a “Guarantee” listed – but if you look closely they don’t say you can return the product for a full refund if it doesn’t work for you. Most of the time these companies will tell you that they product has to be in the original packaging and give you all kinds of run around if you want to get your money back.
Is There A Product That Actually Works?
I have found a couple of products and companies that actually do what they say for the majority of guys – and if they don’t the guys don’t have any trouble getting their money back even after a couple of months or more.
The main product that I recommend is Vigrx Plus. (more expensive than most – but worth it)
You could also check out Zenerx by clicking the banner over there on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I put a banner down below that you can click on and check out Vigrx and see if you feel that this might be a good all natural male enhancement product for you.
Good Luck out there,
MAX PENE Male Enhancement Supplement – Trust It?
13I decided to take a look at this Max Pene nutritional supplement (er… male enhancement pill) after receiving some interesting stuff in the mail.

MAX PENE has websites in a variety of languages, has Muira Puama extract in it, but their claims just don’t hold up.
Is anything they claim true?
Unlike many of the product reviews I do I was able to find some info about this product – but not much – and nothing good.
Who Are The Experts Behind This Product?
Who is Professor Thomas Clark?
Is he the director of the London Center for Sexual Health?
While there is in fact a place called the London Center for Sexual Health – It appears to just be a clinic – There is no one working there that goes by that name.
As a matter of fact, when doing an internet search about them (and him) I could find no reference to this guy – or that this “center” is in any way, shape, or form, involved in the production of any sort of health supplement.
That’s a big red flag don’t you think?
What about Dr. Tony Lucas?
The literature I received says that he is an “Internationally Famous Expert On Sexology”. That claim turns into a big laugh when you go and check it out. There is nothing out there on this “Famous” doctor. The only Dr. Tony Lucas I could find anything out about is an anesthesiologist out of Arizona!
That’s another red flag.

Muira Puama extract is used in a variety of products, especially those for boosting the libido.
Product Claims
Now let’s get into the claims about what the product is supposed to do for a guy and what the secret ingredients are that are going to “Grow 3 Inches In 7 Days!”
The “all natural ingredient” supposedly in this stuff is Muira Puama. The thing is this – almost every male enhancement product out there that actually works to boost the libido has this ingredient in it.
Why is Max Pene supposed to work better than all the rest?
What Works Then?
I take a male supplement called Provacyl – and it does for me what I want, but it hasn’t made me any longer. It does boost my libido, and it’s an all around better “male health” supplement than any I have found. You can read my review about Provacyl Here.
Is Max Pene a legitimate product?
It appears that this product originates out of Germany as I did find some foreign websites/forums talking about it, but could find no actual “real” user testimonials. Only questions about it and negative comments. I had to use Google Translate to figure out what they were talking about.
No Website in English – Another Red Flag
There is a MAX PENE website in the German language (and many other languages too), but they all have the same pictures and words (in German – and others) as the English version I received in the mail.
The product is cheap enough as far as male enhancing supplements go though. Fifty bucks for a bottle, but I suspect there is a reason it is so cheap. It most likely does not work. I don’t know for sure though as I have not tried it.
Guaranteed To Work?
They do have a “money back guarantee”, but I suspect anyone would have a hard time getting their money back after suffering another disappointment with a product that does not do what they claim.
This is judging from my (and others’) experience when dealing with companies like this who make wild claims and lie about the people behind it.
NOTE: Since I first posted this review I have received a few comments regarding Max Pene (you can read them below this article). My suspicions have been confirmed. V.M.
Staying Away
I’m not going to buy the Max Pene supplement. Too many unanswered questions and unsubstantiated claims.
Is there anything I trust that actually works?
As I mentioned above – I like Provacyl.
Another one that works well for many guys and has been around a long, long time, with many happy users and has a generous 60 day money back guarantee is Male Extra from Impact Five.
All the best,
Victor Mayfield
If you want to see another interesting product promotion review check out what I wrote about Trinoxid.
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