Figured I’d do a quick review of the new VIAKING male enhancement pills promotion.

This new male enhancer product is being promoted by Viarex Labs out of Chatsworth, California, and while they don’t go to the extreme in the statements made about how well this new virility pill will work like they have for some other products like Proalus and others, but they do seem to stretch it a bit.

I always like to follow up and do some research on the experts that are claimed to either have invented the product or who are giving their whole hearted recommendations.  The expert “sexologists” in this case, from Sweden no less is a Doctor Petersen.

The other expert is a guy by the name of Professor Bernard.  He’s allegedly a “specialist in sexology”.

The thing is… These “experts” don’t actually exist.  If they are real people, you won’t find anything on the internet about them other than what is copied from the promotional literature the company sends out.

I wonder why that is?

Could it be that their newest of the new “virility formula” really isn’t all that new?  Could it be that it is just a repackaged version of an old product?  I don’t know.

It seems to me that any product, male enhancement or otherwise, if truly good, would have no trouble getting at least one real doctor that you could verify some information about.  Not in this case.

Another interesting thing in the VIAKING literature is that they make note of a “study” that was done in which 999 men participated.  They don’t provide any sort of proof of this study.  They just claim that it was done.  Hmmmm.

The results of the study seem to be pretty amazing too.  They claim for instance that 97% had a more invigorating experience after the first dose.  They also claim that 95% of the men participating made love at least twice in a row.

Let me tell you something.  If that was a real scientific study done under clinical protocols you would be hearing about this new formula on the evening news.  The leading prescription medications don’t even provide results like that.

The company does not provide any information to back up this alleged study though, so you pretty much have to assume it was not actually done and everything they say about it is a fantasy.

Sorry guys.

If these VIAKING pills are any good there is no way to verify it at this point.

Is There An All Natural Male Enhancer With Real Verifiable Results?

There is in fact an all natural libido booster with a verifiable clinical (double blind) study behind it.  You may have heard the name before, but did not realize just how good of results guys are getting from it.  The product with REAL outstanding results rivaling the leading prescription medication without the nasty side effects?  It is VigRX Plus.

I put a banner down below that you can click on to be taken to the official site.  You will find more information there than you could ever possibly want to find about a natural male enhancement product that has been proven to work for the majority of men who take it. (nothing works for everyone… keep that in mind… not even Viagra)

VigRX Plus has been around for a long time and the results speak for themselves.

Two nice things about the product.

#1 – You can verify all of the claims being made.

#2 – A real easy money back guarantee if you find that it is not right for you.

Don’t fall for any of these hyped up products that have nebulous results at best, or at worst are being promoted with outright lies.

VigRX Plus is not the cheapest all natural libido booster by any means, but I know that I am happy to pay more for a product that actually works and has stood the test of time.

Click on the banner below to check it out.

Victor Mayfield.