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  • George Torres (12 years)

    How is possible that FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Don’t Do nothing with medicine that are entering to this cowntry without any regulation?

  • Victor Mayfield (12 years)

    Hey George, It is difficult to track all of the products and “test” them, even for a government as big as the U.S. They do catch some product though as I noted in this article over on my other site.

  • James mueller (11 years)

    Past orderFMI1245707-1

  • Victor Mayfield (11 years)

    @James Mueller,

    What product did you order?

    Just so you know… I don’t sell any product from this website. I only do reviews – and sometimes recommend a product that I have tried myself and gotten good results from.

    If you want to reorder something you will have to contact that product manufacturer directly.

    If you tell me the name of the product I may be able to dig up the company information.


  • TOURE (10 years)

    Sorry I speak French.
    I want to buy 2 boxes . (price in Euro)
    I wish to know the procedure because my home is Bamako, Mali, West Africa.

  • Victor Mayfield (10 years)


    Please see this link for the French language page:

  • Al Zimer (10 years)

    Send me one pill free. Naturally if it works I will purchase more.

  • James Moody (10 years)

    Don’t send me any confidex I did not ask for it.

    Think you

  • don thomas (9 years)

    i was deceived into purchasing more of your inferior product than i was led to believe. Any and ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE TO BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. I am forwarding this complaint to the BBB, my bank and the proper authorities. All further transactions on my debit card are to be to stopped any future payments deducted will be a criminal act.

  • Victor Mayfield (9 years)

    Don, we don’t sell anything here – we only do product reviews and sometimes recommend products from LEGITIMATE companies. Not sure who you purchased from, but you’ll need to contact that particular company directly… not us. Good luck out there.

  • nia cey (9 years)

    How is LRD getting a seven year olds name and address and sending them mail with rock hard penis info in it? I called the 24/7 number to address this situation and the office is currently closed.. Oh I am pissed!!

  • Victor Mayfield (9 years)

    It truly is unsavory. These companies have no shame. Good luck getting yourself (or your child) removed from these mailing lists.

  • Sidney Byers (8 years)

    Sex releaser long time user 6 to 7 years very pleased

  • Jen (7 years)

    Same is happening with me! My father uses my address as a mailing address and has this crap sent here! My daughters have seen it and my mailman probably thinks I am this freak!!!!

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